Center Integrative Medicine
welcome to need-based Body-Trauma-Psychotherapy without psychotropic drugs.
In Times of Crisis - my practice will remain open: visits to doctors and therapists are not restricted here in Germany, as considered to be necessary. I ask for making contact as usual to discuss anamnestic/case history information and decide upon the following procedure. This private practice has always worked upon appointment, without full waiting room. As physician, I have always worked differently: since self-employed with the powerful, health enhancing instrument, called embodied self-awareness. That will not change. -- After the first shock or freeze state, a new human connectedness fortunately evolves. Modern media come along with the possibilities of self-created sharings; positive, wonder-ful information comes in circles. Our neuro-biological networks need that kind of nurture urgently: The police in Spain pulls the guitar and delivers music; in Italy, people open their windows and spread self-attuned songs from their balconies. So much, much more is shared. Every crisis offers great chances for change. Where was the world stuck? To help more people in their uncertainty, fear or even panic, I have decided to work more with embodied self-awareness sessions on the phone. I have sucessfully practiced it in the past. Maybe, it will be followed by FaceTime, Skype or Zoom sessions. We will see. Tele-medicine is already out. I will inform about the individual procedure on the phone.
Something to the trigger of the crisis:
Working with embodied-selfawareness strengthens the immune-system.
A virus is not a living being. It is a program which connects with dysfunctional programs: So, it can kill the host. Traumata leave many dysfunctions in the body. In any case, fear and panic are no good advisers! This is the time to care for the immune-system in many ways. The work with embodied self-awareness is one major way.
Thinking unfolds from the Soul - from Body Sense to Cognition
> Today, as private doctor, I work without time pressure - from self-awareness towards self-regulation. The therapy guidelines of legal insurances are out-dated. The book Body Sense is a very important contribution to up-date the paradigm. My translation work of the title into German gave me big insights > body psychotherapy.
Nothing has to remain the way it is
> As trauma therapist I care for a well-supported ethical process from self-regulation to healing. The information to connective themes of this website want to help clarify therapy experiences. Understanding does not happen in the past or future, but from the here and now in the present moment of lived experience -
trauma healing needs community, with people and methods.
Old is passed on - Traditions arise; New comes along - Wonder emerge
> After long international studies I brought New/Old from Medicine/Healing Arts to my other home, the Odenwald: from California a method with German roots 1; a textbook 2 I translated; old lore from the Andes, Chile for our modern times 3; quantum physics from the light body 4.
The precious freight of our life time wants to be lived, by recovering the forgotten and reframe it for complementary use: The healing art of touch - The dynamic of the nervous system with complex interactions - shamanic energy medicine of the chakras and archetypes, following Carl Jung and ancient old wisdom - modern bio-photone re-alignment mirror technique
These diagnostic-, therapy methods have formed my Center Integrative Medicine:
- 1,2 The touch of Rosen Method Bodywork, by Marion Rosen.
> rosen method - 3 Shamanic energy medicine, by Alberto Villoldo - 4 Bio photon re-alignment mirrors technique, by Renzo Celani - Heart rate variability - and more
Bodywork methods operate in conjunction: the touch of Rosen Method Bodywork opens self-awareness - reaches into the body's energy field - will be re-organized with biophoton re-alignment mirrors - both bring about self-regulation through emotional experience. The denial or violation of embodied self-awareness has serious consequences: from functional-, regulatory disorders to diseases.
With bodytherapy the consequences are un-covered, handled and prevented!
A range of trauma consequences, functional- or regulatory disorders with increasing health problems:
depression - panic attack - irregular heartbeat - cancer - anaesthesia - miscarriage - abuse - anxieties - despair - trauma - speechless emotional state - distress - sleeplessness - migraine - fatigue - cry babies - slipped disc - loss - surgery - rape - posttraumatic stress disorder - pain - bullying - asthma - high blood pressure - cheerlessness - grief - personal experience - indigestion - birth stress - adverse childhood experiences - loss of attachment - violence - side effects of medical procedures
Traumatised individuals dramatically lack adequate care in the health care system:
> "World reports on violence and health" - WHO (World Health Organisation), 2002/2014. 1
For your inspiration:
From Molecules of Emotions, by Candice B. Pert, p.273-274, Simon & Schuster UK, 1999
"My research has shown me that when emotions are expressed - which is to say that the biochemicals that are the substrate of emotion are flowing freely - all systems are united and made whole. When emotions are repressed, denied, not allowed to be whatever they may be, our network pathways get blocked, stopping the flow of the vital feel-good, unifying chemicals that run both our biology and our behavior. This, I believe, is the state of unhealed feeling we want so desperately to escape from. Drugs, legal and illegal, are further interrupting the many feedback loops that allow the psychosomatic network to function in a natural, balanced way, and therefore setting up conditions for somatic as well as mental disorders."
From Your Life in My Hands - A Junior Doctor's Story, by Rachel Clarke, p.200, Metro Books, 2017:
"...combined medical rigour with remarkable gentleness. ...he unfolded their hands in. both of his, seemingly in order to comfort and connect with them ... and discussed their illness. ... with that simple human touch, he was simultaneously taking their pulse, assessing their hydration states,scanning their hands for clues of illness, and appraising whether their were sick or well. ... he was covertly diagnosing them. Hard, effective medicine cloaked in gentle humanity."
In remembrance of: Rosen Method Center Southwest, NM, USA - watch for the hands & breath
Appointments & Continuing Education
There are various treatment options depending on personal situations or place of residence:
- Intensive treatment with accommodation in a holiday home is an option, which proved well for acute states and long journey. The Odenwald is a region of high recreational quality.
- A slow start for chronic states or inexperience with embodied self-awareness.
- Either way, an individual setting will emerge.
Appointments with further information and office closing times > contact.
Continuing Education - "Embodiment in Trauma, Life & Motion" > Embodiment
Cooperative Case Review in Embodied Self-Awareness > Supervisions
Informative meetings can be booked, internationally upon request - see contact form